Nelson Price
JESUS CHRIST said "I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself."
A. The second coming of Christ isn't a thrilling truth to some Christians. Why?
1. Many Christians are so comfortable in this world they have no desire to leave it. Streets of gold have little appeal to person living on "Easy Street."
Religion has been presented as jolly good fun right here in this present world, so what's the hurry about heaven? We evidence the attitude that Christ has done all the suffering. He shed the tears, carried the cross and we need only to enjoy the benefits of His heartbreak in the form of pleasure modeled after the world BUT carried on in Christ's name.
2. A second attitude is "why change the comfort of the known for the unknown comforts of heaven." Many youth express a desire for Christ to delay His coming until they grow up, go to college, get married, and raise their family. In effect, they want the best this world has to offer because of a lack of understanding of the superior glory and eternal fulfillment of heaven.
B. The second coming isn't a thrilling truth to unbelievers. It is a terrorizing thought because of the wrath to follow - I Peter. 3: 3,4.
C. It is a thrilling truth to those who love Him. You have to love someone very much to be willing to stay awake and long for their coming longer after midnight. If you really love Jesus you long for His coming.
Perhaps you don't love Him as you should.
You likely don't if:
A. The "work" o ...
Nelson Price
JESUS CHRIST said "I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself."
A. The second coming of Christ isn't a thrilling truth to some Christians. Why?
1. Many Christians are so comfortable in this world they have no desire to leave it. Streets of gold have little appeal to person living on "Easy Street."
Religion has been presented as jolly good fun right here in this present world, so what's the hurry about heaven? We evidence the attitude that Christ has done all the suffering. He shed the tears, carried the cross and we need only to enjoy the benefits of His heartbreak in the form of pleasure modeled after the world BUT carried on in Christ's name.
2. A second attitude is "why change the comfort of the known for the unknown comforts of heaven." Many youth express a desire for Christ to delay His coming until they grow up, go to college, get married, and raise their family. In effect, they want the best this world has to offer because of a lack of understanding of the superior glory and eternal fulfillment of heaven.
B. The second coming isn't a thrilling truth to unbelievers. It is a terrorizing thought because of the wrath to follow - I Peter. 3: 3,4.
C. It is a thrilling truth to those who love Him. You have to love someone very much to be willing to stay awake and long for their coming longer after midnight. If you really love Jesus you long for His coming.
Perhaps you don't love Him as you should.
You likely don't if:
A. The "work" o ...
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