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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

The Pageantry of Creation Part One (2 of 64)
Series:The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt

All right. Genesis chapter one, and verse number one. We're in a series of studies we began last Sunday night, through this very first book in the Bible, the book of Genesis. We've entitled this simple series of studies, ''The Book of Beginnings''. The reason we're giving this series of studies, the reason why I've referred to Genesis as the book of beginnings, is for several reasons. First of all, it's at the beginning. Hello? If you're all going to act like that, we're not getting out of here until midnight, amen? That will turn you into charismatics right there, amen? It's at the beginning. Out of all the 66 books in your Bible, it is number one, so it is there at the first. It is number one. It is the book of beginnings.

There's another reason; because in this first book in the Bible, we are told about the beginning of so very many things. We're told about the beginning of the universe. We're told about the beginning of planet earth. We're told about the beginning of mankind, the family, sin, worship, redemption, so on and so forth. There are so many beginnings here in this book, again, that I like to refer to it as the book of beginnings. This evening, as we really get into our study, if you will; I want to talk to you tonight about the pageantry of creation. The pageantry of creation. One man put it like this - all of creation is God's art. All of creation is God's art.

Cecil Alexander put it this way - ''All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.'' Now, as wonderful and as beautiful as this pageant is, there are a lot of folks out there still today who would say, ''Well, pastor, you know that sure is a nice story, but that's all that it is. It really didn't happen that way. Pastor, don't you know God did not really speak the universe into existence. He really didn't create ...

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