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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

The Pageantry of Creation, Part 2 (3 of 64)
Series:The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt

Genesis chapter one and verse number one tonight. I want to thank you again for being here this evening. I hope that you are blessed and encouraged tonight. How many of you all got a nap this afternoon? Can I see your hand? How many of you all did not get a nap this afternoon and you're bitter about it? Okay.

Well, I want you to know I got a nap this afternoon. I'm not real sure that I'm not still having a nap this afternoon, amen.

Anyway, we're in Genesis chapter one tonight. We are in a series of studies we began a couple of weeks ago through this very first book in your Bible. We've entitled this simple series of studies, ''The Book of Beginnings.'' I love that title. I love the fact that here in the very first pages of your Bible, we have this beginning book. Really it is not just the beginning book because it's at the beginning of the 66 books in your Bible, although it is, but it is the beginning book because in this ultimate, this primary first book in your Bible, we are told about the beginning of so very many things. We're told about the beginning of the universe. We're told about the beginning of this planet. We're told about the beginning of mankind, sin, the family, worship, redemption, so on and so forth.

I want to share with you a quote from W. Graham Scroggie on the book of Genesis, that I think will just bless your socks off tonight. Scroggie says, ''It is a kind of day break book.'' As a matter of fact, I love that little phrase so much that I wrote it at the top of the page there at the book of Genesis, the very first page. ''It is a kind of day break book, a wondrous dawn, an hour of revelation and vision. It is the sea basket out of which the harvest of all after Revelation comes. It is the fountain head from whence flows quote 'the river of God, which is full of water.' It is the mighty root from which has sprung throughout the word, ...

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