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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Genesis
This content is part of a series.

Why Nobody is a Nobody, Part 2 (5 of 64)
Series:The Book of Beginnings
Brad Whitt

If you have your Bibles with you now tonight, if you will, be finding your place at the very first book in your Bible. That is the book of Genesis. Tonight, we are picking back up where we left off last week. We are in a series of studies through this beginning book of your Bible, the book of Genesis. We've entitled this simple series of studies, you'll see it right there, the Book of Beginnings. Creation, fall, flood, and covenant, those are the major divisions. If you want to understand how to get a grasp on this beginning book in the Bible, those are the main divisions of this book. Creation, that's where we are right now. Fall - we'll be moving there in just a couple of weeks. Flood, and then covenant - these are the main divisions in this book of beginnings.

I had one of our gentlemen share with me an appropriate little joke, a humorous story, for tonight. There was a pastor; you could say his name was Brad Whitt. He announced to his church one morning, he said, ''Today, in this morning service, and tonight, we are going to preach through the entire Bible from Genesis all the way to Revelation. We're going to preach through the entire Bible this day.'' That morning, sure enough, he preached up a storm. He went a little bit longer than normal. He went home; when he came back that night, he said, ''Folks, this morning, I want you to know that we got through the Old Testament. We got all the way through the Old Testament, but I forgot to include Isaiah, so I'm trying to figure out where to put Isaiah in.'' About that time, a woman jumped up and she said, ''He can have my seat. I'm going home.'' Amen ?

Well, I hope that you won't be that way. I hope that you'll enjoy and be blessed by this series of studies. We began a study last week here in Genesis chapter one, beginning in verse number 26, that I entitled ''Why Nobody is a Nobody.'' Look down there in Genesi ...

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