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MARK 1: 14 - 18

JESUS CHRIST spoke positively of the joy inherent in every
aspect of the Christian life. He desires for His followers to
have the JOY of their salvation.
Sometimes sin causes this joy to wane. In order for it to be
renewed, the individual must be revived. This requires
Repentance is wonderful. Suppose we could sin but couldn't
repent. Suppose God would let us fall but wouldn't lift us up.
Suppose we could wander away but couldn't return. Suppose one
thief could have cursed Christ but the other had not been
allowed to repent.
The sinner can be changed, the fallen lifted, the enslaved
freed! You can change.
Jesus spoke of the joy associated with repentance. " shall
be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth..." (Luke 15:7).
The doctrine of repentance is a forgotten one.
Ezekial preached it in Israel.
Jonah preached it in Ninevah.
Peter preached it purposefully.
Jesus preached it passionately.
Christ's first and last message was "repent." It is mentioned 70
times in the N.T. The word "repentance" comes from: META =
change, and NOYA = thinking. Thus it means changed thinking.
It refers to a complete turn or change in direction and thought
about God, self, sin, and Christ. It let's you see yourself as
God has always seen you and it lets you see God as you have
never seen Him.
Repentance not only means a change of thinking but of conduct
The French word for repentance conveys this idea. AMANDEVEAU,
means to amend your ways, change you ...

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