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by Nelson Price

Scripture: MATTHEW 5:45, PSALMS 37:1-5


PSALMS 37: 1 - 5

JESUS CHRIST said, "...He makes the sun to rise on the evil and
the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust" (Matt. 5:45).
WE make the same observation but are prone to take it one step
further. "Why is it that the sun seems always to shine at the
right time for those who are evil and at the wrong time for
those of us who are trying to do the right things?" "Why do the
wicked seem to prosper?" was a question posed long long ago by
the Prophet, Jeremiah.
Are those your observations? If so, that is not bad. After all,
Christians ought to be observant and if you are it does often
seem that the bad guys seem to always be winners.
The Psalmist noted this and said, "Fret not thyself because of
evildoers..." "Fret not" literally translated means "don't' get
hot under the collar, don't let it eat you up, don't get so
consumed that you can't think about anything else."
That is difficult for a young wife who formerly lived in a
lovely house who now dwells in a small apartment. Her husband
had a good job paying well until he refused to play the bosses
game. The boss was reselling used equipment as new and insisted
that her husband lie about it. He refused to and lost his job.
Now from their cramped apartment they watch the unscrupulous
boss prosper. It just doesn't seem right.
Then there is the successful young business executive. The
career climb was going well until the boss said, "You have
toentertain more. Clients expect alcohol and after all a little
hanky-panky never hurt anyone." Failure to respond accordingly
has added another to the unemploy ...

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