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JOHN 14: 15, 21, 23, 24, 28

There are several themes interwoven into this passage. One is
obedient love. Since this is the one for consideration those
portions related to it are to be read selectively.
Jesus Christ said, "If ye love me keep my commandments..."
One of the tragedies of American life is love is being defined
by person who have experienced so little of it.
To Christ OBEDIENCE is the true test of love. He never hinted
that love was simple sentiment or erratic emotion. It always
reveals itself in obedience resulting in moral conduct.
By His obedience Jesus showed His love for the Father. By our
obedience to Jesus we show our love for Him.
LOVE, the self-sacrificing love of Christ is our pattern. Jesus
said the same truth two ways:
"If ye love me keep my commandments" (Vs. 15)
"He that loveth me not keepeth not my..." (Vs. 24)
Consequently, it is self evident.
He who loves me keeps my commandments.
He who keeps my commandments loves me.
In Vs. 21, "He" is an emphatic pronoun, thus, it means, "He and
He alone is the one loving me."
"If you love me - do something. Be useful: Follow my example."
Love is the spring of action. John 13:34 reveals this.
Matthew 18: 16, 17 tells us what to do if things aren't right
with someone. Obey it. It is impossible to express love with a
clinched fist.
Love is known by the action it prompts. God's love is revealed
in John 3:16, He "gave".
KEEP: What does it mean?
An expanded translation reveals the meaning: "If with love that
is both intelligent and purposeful you love me, you will accept, ...

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