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by Nelson Price

Scripture: HEBREWS 9:27, I PETER 3:18-22, JOHN 14:6, ROMANS 6:3-4

Results Of The Resurrection
Nelson Price
I Peter 3: 18 - 22

JESUS CHRIST's resurrection from the dead is the pivotal point around which many major truths revolve. It is a guarantee given by God the Father that He approved the work of the Son and loves us enough to allow us access to Himself through Christ. So much truth is compactly associated with Christ's resurrection that it is little wonder our minds get challenged considering it.

Some confusion is associated with it. In trying to understand some of the deep mysteries of the resurrection it is expedient to deal with one of the most difficult passages in the Bible. Art Linkletter's story of the little child asked the meaning of Easter. Reply: ''It was when Jesus came out of the tomb, looked around and didn't see His shadow and went back inside for three days.''

One frequently asked questions is: ''Where was Jesus those three days His body was in the tomb?'' Before relating to that, let's establish one basic fact. Some interpretations of the passage before us imply people have a second chance to be saved after death. This is a cruel false deception designed by the devil. It is not a Scriptural principle that any person has a second chance after death.

Let's make clear the one and only one chance any person has for salvation. Vs. 18, says that Christ died ''that He might bringus to God'' = PROSAGO. From PROSAGO two nouns are derived. One means ''the right of access.'' Through Christ we have the ''right of access'' to God. The other noun means ''introducer'' or ''the giver of access.'' Hence, Christ is represented as the one who gives us access to God. Earlier He had said, ''I am the way... (John 14:6). He is the only way of access to God.

Now consider the question regarding Christ during the days between the death and resurrection.

Many opinions are held by Godly people as to the exact meaning of Christ going and preaching to the spirits in prison (vs. 19). The Greek ...

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