We Are Missionally Engaged (2 of 4)
Series: Foundations
Bob Ingle
Acts 1:8
Open your Bibles to Acts 1. We are in a series called 'Foundation'. We are looking at what we have been and will be built upon as a church. We do this fairly frequently because it's human nature to forget WHO we really are, WHY we're here, and WHAT we're supposed to be doing.
Thomas Wheeler was the CEO of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. He tells the story about a time when he and his wife were traveling together, and they pulled off the interstate to get some fuel. The only gas station at that exit was an old rundown station with just one pump, but it was one of those rare station's that had an attendant who came out filled up the tank, checked the oil, and washed the windows. Like the good ole days. Thomas Wheeler took the extra time to walk around the station to stretch his legs a bit while his wife waited in the car.
As he was returning to the vehicle, he noticed that his wife was engaged in a pretty lively conversation with the attendant. As they got ready to leave, the attendant waved at his wife and said, ''It was great seeing you again.'' Thomas Wheeler asked his wife if she knew the man. She told him they went to the same high school and had actually dated for about a year.
With an air of pride, Thomas said to his wife, ''Boy, are you lucky that I came along. If you'd married him, you'd be the wife of a gas station attendant instead of the wife of a CEO.'' To which she answered, ''My dear, if I'd married him, he'd be the CEO and you'd be the gas station attendant.''
It's always good to be reminded WHO you are and HOW you got there.
That's what this series is all about. As a church, we want to accurately remember WHO we are, WHY we're here, and WHAT we're supposed to be doing until the Lord comes back for us.
Week 1: We Are Gospel-Centered (The Gospel is the fire that saves us and fuel that sustains us)
Week 2: We Are Missionally Eng ...
Series: Foundations
Bob Ingle
Acts 1:8
Open your Bibles to Acts 1. We are in a series called 'Foundation'. We are looking at what we have been and will be built upon as a church. We do this fairly frequently because it's human nature to forget WHO we really are, WHY we're here, and WHAT we're supposed to be doing.
Thomas Wheeler was the CEO of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company. He tells the story about a time when he and his wife were traveling together, and they pulled off the interstate to get some fuel. The only gas station at that exit was an old rundown station with just one pump, but it was one of those rare station's that had an attendant who came out filled up the tank, checked the oil, and washed the windows. Like the good ole days. Thomas Wheeler took the extra time to walk around the station to stretch his legs a bit while his wife waited in the car.
As he was returning to the vehicle, he noticed that his wife was engaged in a pretty lively conversation with the attendant. As they got ready to leave, the attendant waved at his wife and said, ''It was great seeing you again.'' Thomas Wheeler asked his wife if she knew the man. She told him they went to the same high school and had actually dated for about a year.
With an air of pride, Thomas said to his wife, ''Boy, are you lucky that I came along. If you'd married him, you'd be the wife of a gas station attendant instead of the wife of a CEO.'' To which she answered, ''My dear, if I'd married him, he'd be the CEO and you'd be the gas station attendant.''
It's always good to be reminded WHO you are and HOW you got there.
That's what this series is all about. As a church, we want to accurately remember WHO we are, WHY we're here, and WHAT we're supposed to be doing until the Lord comes back for us.
Week 1: We Are Gospel-Centered (The Gospel is the fire that saves us and fuel that sustains us)
Week 2: We Are Missionally Eng ...
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