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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Luke 15:25-32
This content is part of a series.

The Lost Soul (4 of 4)
Series: The Lost
Jim Perdue
Luke 15:25-32

Intro/Attention: Today, we conclude our series entitled Lost with one of the most powerful lessons in this entire chapter. The theme of this chapter is, God loves the lost and actively seeks to save them. We see this truth emphasized over and over again in this passage. READ TEXT

Remember also, that this chapter is a series of stories or parables told by Jesus to teach the Pharisees a valuable lesson. You see, the first few verses of this chapter reveal to us that the Pharisees didn't like that fact that ''all the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him.'' In fact, they hated these people and because these people were drawn to Jesus, they hated Jesus too. While the Scribes and Pharisees repelled the lost, Jesus actually received them.

In the story of the Prodigal Son, Jesus paints a very clear picture. The father represents our loving Heavenly Father who receives us back home once again. The prodigal who returns represents a sinner who repents and returns home. The elder bother represents the self-righteous Scribes and Pharisees that refuse to welcome the prodigal home. And I believe it also represents a critical, self-righteous church member who is absolutely lost and apart from Christ.

*John MacArthur says of the older brother that he was lost; he's the only picture in this story of something that is lost and not found. In fact, everyone in this chapter experienced joy except the elder brother. The shepherd, the woman and their friends all experienced the joy of finding. The younger son experienced the joy of returning and being received by a loving, gracious father. The father experienced the joy of receiving his son back safe and sound. Everyone is happy in this story except the elder brother...and the fattened calf!*

Now I want something to be very clear before we continue. There are sins of the flesh and sins of the spirit. The prodigal son is v ...

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