No Scratching Itchy Ears
Bob Ingle
2 Timothy 4:1-5
Let's open our bibles to 2 Timothy 4. There are a lot of words I could use in describing what it's like to be a pastor (challenging, humbling, demanding, exciting, fun, adventuresome, among others). But there is one word I would never use: BORING. There is never a lack of things to do. I never go home at night with my 'to do' list done...Never. There are a lot of things that NEED to be done when you are a pastor. But there is one thing that MUST be done or nothing else a pastor does matters. And it's that one thing that must be done by every pastor and must be demanded by every church member that I want to talk about today.
The book of 2 Timothy is the Apostle Paul's last instructions to his son in the faith, a young pastor named Timothy. These are the very last words from the pen of the Apostle Paul. He is the author of 13 books of the NT, and 2 Timothy is the very last of those. And chapter 4, where we will be today, is the last chapter of the last letter Paul would ever write. Last words should be lasting words. And these are, no doubt, just that. These are the last words of a man who would soon have his head severed from his shoulders, by the Roman government.
As he writes these words to Timothy, Paul is imprisoned on death row, and he knows that his time to leave this earth and go on to glory has arrived. So, this is no time to discuss superfluous matters or secondary issues. The main thing is to always keep the main thing the main thing. And Paul highlights that truth for Timothy, and not only Timothy, but for us today as well. As we go into a brand-new year, I want all of us to be reminded as a church family, and as an army of the Lord Jesus Christ, in a world full of things to do it's imperative that we remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
The title of my message today is 'No Scratching Itchy Ears'. You might wonder what in the world that means. Well, let's ...
Bob Ingle
2 Timothy 4:1-5
Let's open our bibles to 2 Timothy 4. There are a lot of words I could use in describing what it's like to be a pastor (challenging, humbling, demanding, exciting, fun, adventuresome, among others). But there is one word I would never use: BORING. There is never a lack of things to do. I never go home at night with my 'to do' list done...Never. There are a lot of things that NEED to be done when you are a pastor. But there is one thing that MUST be done or nothing else a pastor does matters. And it's that one thing that must be done by every pastor and must be demanded by every church member that I want to talk about today.
The book of 2 Timothy is the Apostle Paul's last instructions to his son in the faith, a young pastor named Timothy. These are the very last words from the pen of the Apostle Paul. He is the author of 13 books of the NT, and 2 Timothy is the very last of those. And chapter 4, where we will be today, is the last chapter of the last letter Paul would ever write. Last words should be lasting words. And these are, no doubt, just that. These are the last words of a man who would soon have his head severed from his shoulders, by the Roman government.
As he writes these words to Timothy, Paul is imprisoned on death row, and he knows that his time to leave this earth and go on to glory has arrived. So, this is no time to discuss superfluous matters or secondary issues. The main thing is to always keep the main thing the main thing. And Paul highlights that truth for Timothy, and not only Timothy, but for us today as well. As we go into a brand-new year, I want all of us to be reminded as a church family, and as an army of the Lord Jesus Christ, in a world full of things to do it's imperative that we remember that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.
The title of my message today is 'No Scratching Itchy Ears'. You might wonder what in the world that means. Well, let's ...
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