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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Galatians 1:6-10
This content is part of a series.

Fighting for What We Love (2)
Series: Galatians
Robert Dawson
Galatians 1:6-10

Pastor Johnny Miller, in his sermon The Great Rescue, says ''When I was a teenager, I became fascinated, appalled, and grieved by reading the literature of the Holocaust. I probably read thousands of pages trying to understand the lives of those who were destroyed...One scene that haunts me is a picture from Auschwitz. Above the entryway to the concentration camp, or death camp, were the words, ''Arbeit macht frei.'' The same phrase was found fashioned into the gate at Dachau: Arbeit macht frei. It means work will liberate you, work gives you freedom, literally, ''work makes free.'' It was a cruel and tragic lie. It was a false hope. Their hard work would not lead to liberty or freedom, only death.

Today, there are lies that promise freedom that are just as cruel and tragic. However, these lies, lies that offer an empty hope, end in something much worse than physical death. They end in a spiritual and eternal death. It is a lie much like the one found in the gates of those death camps. ''Work makes free.''

That is the not so subtle but appealing message is promulgated by every religion with one lone exception, Christianity. Andrew Davis, FBC Durham, said, ''Other than genuine Christianity, all other religions in the world are offering some form of works salvation...self-salvation.''

What's frightening is that lie has seeped elusively into the church while masquerading as truth and has tried to attach itself to the Gospel in every generation. Satan's most effective attacks do not come from frontal assaults from the outside but veiled attacks on the inside from false teachers who lead people astray by adding to or subtracting from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

This was the great struggle facing Paul and the churches in S. Galatia. There were those called Judaizers who sought to compromise the church by contaminating the Gospel message. These Judaizers were Jews who cla ...

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