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Well, Eriftov, that's Hebrew for "Good Evening". I really
missed being with you, I can't tell you more than that,
Wednesday night when we were in Israel, I thought about what you
were doing, and I knew what ya'll were studying about on the
"Holiness of God" and I want you to know I missed being with you
but I sure enjoyed being where I was. Nothing is more exciting
than to honor God and to glorify Him and to have an opportunity
to open up God's Word there on the Sea of Galilee or even on the
balcony of our hotel in Jerusalem to look at the Mount of Olives
and the Temple Mount and to know that many of the passages of
scripture inspired by the Holy Spirit were written by David in
that place.

So a lot of things were happening over here. Anyway I'm just
glad to be here and this is a great crowd for Spring Break, it
really is. We need to pray for that group of folks who are up
in Colorado, it's very, very cold today, and tonight. They are
going to ski all day tomorrow and then get on a bus all hot and
sweaty and travel twenty-four hours to come back to Houston.
Sounds like a great time - not! For sure!

Hey, I want us to look at some scripture verses a little bit.
Instead of going through verse by verse and you flipping back
through a bunch of scriptures, we have several verses that we
want you to be able to read. In fact, you need to take out a
pen, you need to take out your notes, turn on the back page, and
tonight I'm going to introduce to you about five or six
different passages of scripture that will give us a glimpse of
about who God is. While the machine is warming up, let me tell
yo ...

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