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TRUST (1 OF 3)

by Steve Jones

Scripture: 1 Samuel 23
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Trust (1 of 3)
Series: Faith on the Run
Steve Jones
1 Samuel 23

SERMON SERIES PREMISE: King Saul had young David on the run in the wilderness for approximately eight years. During this time David learned to exercise ''faith on the run.'' When we find ourselves in a ''desert experience,'' i.e. hunted, hounded, trapped and desperate, there are some lessons we can learn from David's experience about exercising faith on the run - they are 1) Trust in God, 2) Strength from God and 3) The Peace of God. (For the ''bumper-music-video in this series I used the opening lines of ''Renegade'' by Styx with pictures of David and his men on the run in the wilderness).

INTRODUCTION: I'm starting a three-week sermon series based upon David's flight from King Saul. The series is entitled ''Faith on the Run''. If you're unfamiliar with David's backstory let me fill you in. Around 1500 BC Moses led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. For the next four-hundred years the nation functioned without a king. God was their king. Then, around 1100 BC, Saul was anointed as the first king of Israel. But Saul proved disobedient to God. The prophet Samuel anointed young David the shepherd to be the second king of Israel. The problem was that Saul was still on the throne. Saul became jealous of David's popularity and success. He also had a touch of paranoia about his throne. He also suffered from demonic attacks. As a result, Saul began a relentless quest to hunt down and kill young David. David spent about eight years of his life on the run from Saul. This time was spent in the wilderness, the desert, caves, and among foreigners.

The part of David's life we're going to study today finds him cornered like a rat in a trap. His back is up against the wall and he has nowhere to turn - or so it seems. And so, David shows what to do when the devil has you trapped: trust in God.

We're all in different phases of our spiritual journey here today but sometimes you can feel like you'r ...

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