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by Robert Dawson

Scripture: Galatians 1:1-5
This content is part of a series.

A Gritty Grace Filled Greeting (1)
Series: Galatians
Robert Dawson
Galatians 1:1-5

Ever since I was a little guy watching Picture Pages and the Fat Albert Show, ''Hey, Hey, Hey.'' Bill Cosby has been one of my one of my favorite T.V. personalities. In one of his stand-up comedy routines, which became the basis for an episode of the Cosby show, he tells the story of the noise and frustration our children can bring to our lives at times. The two youngest girls are fighting because the baby has taken something that belonged to the other. Bill says, ''Let her have it, just give it to her.'' The older child says, ''but dad its mine.'' To which he says, ''I don't care she has stuff that belongs to me too. Let her have it.'' His reason for his explanation is one I will never forget. He said, ''Parents are not concerned about justice, just peace and quiet.''

There are people today who are looking for some peace and quiet, but not the kind that comes from a cessation of life's noise or problems. They are not looking for outward peace, a peace in life's circumstances, but a peace of heart, mind and soul. They are looking for wholeness of heart.

People are looking for peace, that which will bring fulfillment and meaning to their lives. They know their lives are fragmented and that there is something missing inside of them.

Their lives are like a jigsaw puzzle on which they have worked long and hard putting everything in its place (according to picture they have of what life should look like) but somehow, they always wind up missing a piece. The picture is never complete.
They try and force pieces from other puzzles in the hole, but they just never seem to fit.
They look to homes/families or relationships with others that are at best unstable.
They search for it in a society that is continually changing. When they finally look right (like everyone else), dress right and have the right style the style changes and they are left to reinvent themselves and re ...

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