Scripture: John 10:22-42
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Jesus is One with the Father (15 of 32)
Series: John
Patrick Edwards
John 10:22-42
Introduction: In the early second century B.C., a Greek king named Antiochus IV invaded Israel with the goal of Hellenizing the whole world. Antiochus called himself ''Epiphanes'' which means ''god made manifest.'' In other words, you can guess this guy had quite an ego and quite an agenda. He led his armies into Jerusalem, slaughtering many Jews, and conquering the lands. Upon his victory he outlawed Judaism and circumcision, but even worse he desecrated the Temple of God, converting it to a shrine to Zeus. There in the place where God promised to dwell and tabernacle among His people, Antiochus had pigs slaughtered, orgies, and sacrifices made to Zeus. It is this event which the prophet Daniel had described as the first abomination of desolation (that title sounds like a Marvel movie).
Well, after about eight years of Antiochus' reign in Jerusalem a man named Judas Maccabeus started a revolt against the Greeks. Judas was a son of a priest, and he and his family rallied the Jews to fight against the blasphemies and rule of Antiochus. Exactly what Maccabeus means is up for some debate, but in Aramaic the word means 'hammer' or 'sledgehammer,' which is an awesome surname, right? I mean now it's definitely a Marvel movie as you've got Judas the Hammer fighting against the abomination of desolation!
The revolt lasted roughly three years until the Jews, under the leadership of the Maccabees, expelled the Greeks. Judas led the restoration efforts of the Temple where it was ceremonially cleansed and a new altar built. But a problem soon arose in the purification efforts. Pure olive oil was required to be burned every night in the menorah of the Temple throughout these ceremonies, but only enough oil was found for one night. Miraculously, this one night's supply of oil, however, lasted eight nights until new supplies of oil could be found and used. At the culmination of these ...
Series: John
Patrick Edwards
John 10:22-42
Introduction: In the early second century B.C., a Greek king named Antiochus IV invaded Israel with the goal of Hellenizing the whole world. Antiochus called himself ''Epiphanes'' which means ''god made manifest.'' In other words, you can guess this guy had quite an ego and quite an agenda. He led his armies into Jerusalem, slaughtering many Jews, and conquering the lands. Upon his victory he outlawed Judaism and circumcision, but even worse he desecrated the Temple of God, converting it to a shrine to Zeus. There in the place where God promised to dwell and tabernacle among His people, Antiochus had pigs slaughtered, orgies, and sacrifices made to Zeus. It is this event which the prophet Daniel had described as the first abomination of desolation (that title sounds like a Marvel movie).
Well, after about eight years of Antiochus' reign in Jerusalem a man named Judas Maccabeus started a revolt against the Greeks. Judas was a son of a priest, and he and his family rallied the Jews to fight against the blasphemies and rule of Antiochus. Exactly what Maccabeus means is up for some debate, but in Aramaic the word means 'hammer' or 'sledgehammer,' which is an awesome surname, right? I mean now it's definitely a Marvel movie as you've got Judas the Hammer fighting against the abomination of desolation!
The revolt lasted roughly three years until the Jews, under the leadership of the Maccabees, expelled the Greeks. Judas led the restoration efforts of the Temple where it was ceremonially cleansed and a new altar built. But a problem soon arose in the purification efforts. Pure olive oil was required to be burned every night in the menorah of the Temple throughout these ceremonies, but only enough oil was found for one night. Miraculously, this one night's supply of oil, however, lasted eight nights until new supplies of oil could be found and used. At the culmination of these ...
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