Nehemiah - Building a City on Prayer Part 2 (2 of 3)
Palitha Jayasooriya
Hi Friends, welcome to part 2 of this series that highlights the prayer strategies of Nehemiah. In part 1 of this 3-part series, we shared 4 prayer pointers from the life of this highly-skilled and courageous Administrator. They were:
1. He prayed fervently
2. He focused on the greatness of the One he was praying to
3. He prayed for favor
4. He prayed the promises of God
Today, we will look at 3 more prayer thoughts from the life of Nehemiah. They are,
1. Nehemiah prayed against resistance
''Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads'' (Nehemiah 4:4)
The opposition and resistance to God's work came from a man called Sanballat and his associates (4:1-3). It included threats with military backing, incensed anger, mockery, ridicule and humiliating insults (2:19, 4:1-2, 4:3, 4:7-8, 4:11). Nehemiah's immediate response was prayer, as seen in 4:4 and 4:9.
''But we prayed to our meet this threat'' (Nehemiah 4:9)
As he prayed, God always gave Him the strategies needed to negate the ungodly machinations of his opponents and He also frustrated their plans!
''When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work''. (Nehemiah 4:15)
The people therefore were encouraged and the work kept progressing.
We too can be sure that whenever we attempt something great or small for God, or strive to draw closer to Him, the enemy will come against us. He will do whatever he thinks necessary to stifle us. But, he can never defeat us for the Bible says that 'we are more than conquerors through Jesus! (Romans 8:37). Therefore, let's 'Submit to God and resist the devil (through prayer) and he will have to flee from us' (James 4:7). I once heard a man of God say that 'Prayer doesn't just stop the enemy's plans; it ...
Palitha Jayasooriya
Hi Friends, welcome to part 2 of this series that highlights the prayer strategies of Nehemiah. In part 1 of this 3-part series, we shared 4 prayer pointers from the life of this highly-skilled and courageous Administrator. They were:
1. He prayed fervently
2. He focused on the greatness of the One he was praying to
3. He prayed for favor
4. He prayed the promises of God
Today, we will look at 3 more prayer thoughts from the life of Nehemiah. They are,
1. Nehemiah prayed against resistance
''Hear us, our God, for we are despised. Turn their insults back on their own heads'' (Nehemiah 4:4)
The opposition and resistance to God's work came from a man called Sanballat and his associates (4:1-3). It included threats with military backing, incensed anger, mockery, ridicule and humiliating insults (2:19, 4:1-2, 4:3, 4:7-8, 4:11). Nehemiah's immediate response was prayer, as seen in 4:4 and 4:9.
''But we prayed to our meet this threat'' (Nehemiah 4:9)
As he prayed, God always gave Him the strategies needed to negate the ungodly machinations of his opponents and He also frustrated their plans!
''When our enemies heard that we were aware of their plot and that God had frustrated it, we all returned to the wall, each to our own work''. (Nehemiah 4:15)
The people therefore were encouraged and the work kept progressing.
We too can be sure that whenever we attempt something great or small for God, or strive to draw closer to Him, the enemy will come against us. He will do whatever he thinks necessary to stifle us. But, he can never defeat us for the Bible says that 'we are more than conquerors through Jesus! (Romans 8:37). Therefore, let's 'Submit to God and resist the devil (through prayer) and he will have to flee from us' (James 4:7). I once heard a man of God say that 'Prayer doesn't just stop the enemy's plans; it ...
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