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by Donald Cantrell

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17
This content is part of a series.

The 'If' of Salvation (1)
Series: "If's" in the Bible
Donald Cantrell
2 Corinthians 5: 17

2Co 5:17 KJV - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

I - Choice of Salvation that we Embrace (17a and 17b)

II - Change of Salvation that we Experience (17c and 17d)

III - Chance of Salvation that we Encounter

This sermon contains a fully alliterated outline, with sub-points.

Theme: ''Do you know for a fact that you have been saved?''


The following story is real, the names have not been changed to bring glory to God, but the man was changed to bring even more glory to God!!!

Clyde Thompson's father was a Bible salesman, but when he was old enough to stay home alone, he began refusing to go to church with the rest of the family. Most Sundays, while his family was in church, Clyde was hunting.

One Sunday afternoon in 1929, when he was 17 years old, he met some men in the woods, and for some reason Clyde killed the men. So at the age of 17, he was the youngest man in Texas history to be sentenced to death in the electric chair. Two years later, he became the youngest man on death row at Huntsville Penitentiary.

As the date of his execution neared, Clyde listened to a radio preacher and asked for the man to come to the prison and baptize him. The preacher came and Clyde was baptized.

Legal complications kept him from being executed. Unfortunately, things began to go very badly for him and he was worked so hard at the prison work farm that he lost his faith.

He began trying to escape and a number of prisoners were killed while trying to escape with Clyde. Clyde was shot through the shoulder in one of the attempts. While on death row he got into a fight and killed two other prisoners, making a total of four people he had killed.

As the years passed, Clyde Thompson was tagged by his own prison mates as the meanest man in the State ...

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