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by Curt Dodd

Scripture: LUKE 4:14-30

Curt Dodd
Luke 4:14-30

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:25:
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."

What are you looking for in your marriage? What do you really expect from your partner? Of all the things that you could have in a marriage and plan to have in a marriage, what do you really desire from that partner? Do you long for just physical security? Do you long for just that person to make sure the bills are paid and on time? Do you look to an individual just to wash your clothes? Make your meals? Raise your kids? Do you look to someone to just be a buddy with the rest of your life? What are you really looking for in your relationship with your husband? Your wife?

God in His Word is trying to teach us that He calls us in our marriage relationships to deeper love. On the surface there are millions of married people who view their relationship with their husband or their wife in terms that are only on the surface, feelings that are expressed just on top. They find themselves drawn by the flesh, enamored in the mind, still looking for that special person that will make them feel wonderful. Still others have fantasized about that perfect individual in their lives, physically, financially and have come to the sobering reality that that's probably not a reality in their lives and in quiet desperation they move on in their lives. Still happy but inside a bit discontented, open for a possibility of someone to walk in their lives, riding in on a white stallion, to carry them off to castles of dreams where only fairy tales reside, but God calls us to something deeper. A marriage, a relationship between a man and a woman, a Christian man, a Christian woman, is to be more than emotional feelings, it is more than just financial stability, if there really is such a thing, it is a call to deeper love.

Jesus is our model for ...

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