The Family of God (2 of 7)
Series: Church Without Walls
Lenny Ports
1 Peter 2:9
Today I want to talk to you about God's family. God has always desired to have a family and it always has been His intention to bless godly offspring. Regardless of how good or how bad your family situation is or was, you are part of God's family.
When I came to the Lord, I ran into His arms because I was always the underdog. I felt like I couldn't measure up to my brother. I was the youngest of 3 and the brunt of jokes was always on me. When someone needed to be the scape goat, it usually was me. When someone needed to be the guinea pig, it usually was me. I grew up always being UNDER. I felt like I couldn't be as close to my dad as my brother was. I was close to Mom. While my brother was in the garage working on the car with my father, I was in the kitchen playing with the dishes in the sink with my mother. My dad wasn't the affectionate type and while I understand that and accepted it because he didn't know how to show affection because he was never shown affection, a little boy still needs affirmation and love. When I came to Jesus at the age of 22, I fell into the arms of a loving Father that would never leave me nor forsake me. He was now my Heavenly Father and the church was my family. Soon after I was saved, people in the church began to say to me that God was going to use me in ministry. Gerri and I were saved at the same time, and we started getting words about pastoring. I found forgiveness, grace, love, acceptance and I began to feel like maybe I could be used of God. Maybe Jesus was going to take me into the ''garage'' and show me a few things. I couldn't get enough of His Word. I couldn't get enough of His presence. I wanted all that He wanted to pour into me. The more I gave myself to the things of God, the less I desired the things of this world. The one thing I knew more than anything is that I AM LOVED. We came into the family of God because Jesus loved us, ...
Series: Church Without Walls
Lenny Ports
1 Peter 2:9
Today I want to talk to you about God's family. God has always desired to have a family and it always has been His intention to bless godly offspring. Regardless of how good or how bad your family situation is or was, you are part of God's family.
When I came to the Lord, I ran into His arms because I was always the underdog. I felt like I couldn't measure up to my brother. I was the youngest of 3 and the brunt of jokes was always on me. When someone needed to be the scape goat, it usually was me. When someone needed to be the guinea pig, it usually was me. I grew up always being UNDER. I felt like I couldn't be as close to my dad as my brother was. I was close to Mom. While my brother was in the garage working on the car with my father, I was in the kitchen playing with the dishes in the sink with my mother. My dad wasn't the affectionate type and while I understand that and accepted it because he didn't know how to show affection because he was never shown affection, a little boy still needs affirmation and love. When I came to Jesus at the age of 22, I fell into the arms of a loving Father that would never leave me nor forsake me. He was now my Heavenly Father and the church was my family. Soon after I was saved, people in the church began to say to me that God was going to use me in ministry. Gerri and I were saved at the same time, and we started getting words about pastoring. I found forgiveness, grace, love, acceptance and I began to feel like maybe I could be used of God. Maybe Jesus was going to take me into the ''garage'' and show me a few things. I couldn't get enough of His Word. I couldn't get enough of His presence. I wanted all that He wanted to pour into me. The more I gave myself to the things of God, the less I desired the things of this world. The one thing I knew more than anything is that I AM LOVED. We came into the family of God because Jesus loved us, ...
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