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by Fenton Moorhead

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"Finding the Faith That Endures" - 8-30-98

By Pastor Fenton Moorhead

... now follow along in the outline of today's message
"Finding the Faith That Endures." This is the third of a
four part series, next week is about the strength that
endures, but today the faith that endures.
We don't need a good time faith, we need a faith for
good times and bad times. We need an all time faith.
And faith is a very special weapon that God has given to
us, to strike out the enemy. We're told to take up the
shield of faith, and by the shield of faith we will be
able to put out all the fiery arrows of the evil one.
And so evil is prevalent all around us, we can't be
naive about that. And so without faith we're not going
to succeed in life, in having victory over evil. It's
baseball season, so I have a baseball illustration.
WhenRoger Clements was first out playing baseball, who
still is,and is still striking them out every time he
pitches. July15th, 1986, Roger pitched in his first All
Star game, andbecause he was part of the league that has
a designated hitter, he had not been to bat in as long
as he could remember.
And so he had the opportunity of going to bat. And he
was facing Dwight Gooden who had won the Sy Young Award that
previous year, and when he got up to bat, he stood in the
batters, you know, over in the warm up and swang a few times,
just trying to have a little bit of a feeling for things. But
the first pitch that Dwight Gooden threw Roger Clements was
of course to show up another pitcher, a white hot fast ball,
right down the middle of the plate.
And Clements looked at it, and he just, Clements looked
at it, and he was kind of, you know, taken back, he didn't
swing, it wasn't any reason to swing, he knew he wasn't going
to hit it. And Gary Carter was the catcher, and he stepped
back and looked at Gary Carter and he said, ...

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