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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Psalm 128
This content is part of a series.

A Real Look at Your Family (1 of 6)
Series: A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life
Brad Whitt
Psalm 128

Intro: Thank you for blessing our hearts here on this wonderful Easter Sunday morning. He is alive. Amen? We don't serve and sing about some dead person that lived thousands of years ago. We serve and we sing about our risen Lord. You know, that's the difference between Christianity and all the religions of the world. Buddha is dead. Mohammed is dead. Lenin and Marx are dead. But we are here this morning to serve and sing about the living Lord Jesus Christ who two thousand years ago hung on a cross and died for your sins and my sins, but who on the third day arose from the grave, and that is why we are here this morning celebrating Easter. He is alive.

ILLUS: There was an agnostic professor who condescendingly confronted a little girl who believed in Jesus, said, ''There are many throughout history who have claimed that they were God. How can you be sure who told the truth? Which one of these men can you believe?'' I like what that little girl said, ''I believe in the ONE who rose from the dead.''

ILLUS: I heard the story of a family that every day when they would drive their two little preschoolers to school would have to drive past a cemetery. One day when they were driving by the cemetery, the little boy looked over at his sister and said, ''Janna, that's where all the dead people are.'' Well, Janna was almost three, so this whole idea of death was really confusing to her. Her brother explained that the cemetery is where they bury people's bodies in the ground when they are dead, and their spirits go back to God.

Well, several months went by, and on Memorial Day they were out having a family bike ride, and they happened to ride past this same cemetery, except this time there were people and flags and flowers everywhere. Some folks were huddled in groups. Others were knelt down in front of the headstones. Well, when Janna saw this, she just ...

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