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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Proverbs 27:23-27
This content is part of a series.

A Real Look at Your Finances (3 of 6)
Series: A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life
Brad Whitt
Proverbs 27: 23-27

Intro: I want you to take your Bibles now this morning, and be finding your place at Proverbs 27 if you will. Proverbs 27, beginning in verse number 23, as we continue here in our series of messages that we've entitled, ''A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life.'' ''A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life.'' And really what we've been doing here in this series of messages is simply taking a biblical look at some of the areas that matter most in our life. For example, we've taken a real look at your family, and what did we find there? Well, we found that Husbands are to fear the Lord; Wives are to be fruitful in the Lord; Children are to follow the Lord, and as a result, God promises that there will be a future by the Lord. And then last week we took a real look at your friends, and of course we saw there that if you want to have friends, you've got to be a friend. You've got to get interested in other people; you've got to smile; you've got to be a good listener; you've got to stick with them in tough times, you've got to share Christ with them; and then what got the most ears to perk up last week; don't be a chronic complainer. Again, I'd rather be around a liberal or a Rottweiler than to be around a complaining Christian.

ILLUS: I heard about a man that was always griping and complaining and belly-aching about something. Well, one day he got a letter telling him that he had inherited a bunch of money, but when the actual check came it wasn't nearly as much as he had thought it was going to be. So he told his wife that since he didn't get as much as he thought he was, instead of buying what he had planned on, he was going to buy a ranch, and he just wanted to get her idea as to what she thought they should name their ranch, and she said in the blink of an eye, ''Belly-Acres.''

Well folks, listen, I don't know about you, but I can't stand ...

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