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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: James 2:14-26
This content is part of a series.

A Real Look at Your Faith (5 of 6)
Series: A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life
Brad Whitt
James 2: 14-26

Intro: I want you to take your Bibles now this morning, and I want you to go ahead and be finding your place at James chapter 2 if you will. James chapter two, beginning in verse number fourteen, as we continue here in our series of messages that we’ve entitled “A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life.” A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life. And for those of you that this is your first time here at Abilene, what we’ve been doing here in this series of messages is simply taking a biblical look at some of the areas that matter most in our life. For example, we’ve already taken a real look at our family and our friends. We’ve taken a real look at our finances and our feelings. And so, what I want to do here this morning is this. I want to take a real look at your faith. And really what I want to do here this morning is this. I want to try to help you understand this whole subject of faith. Now there are a lot of different ideas running around here today on what it means to have faith. But I don’t want us to look and see what everybody else has to say about faith. I want us to look and see what God has to say about faith. And the reason why this is so important is because I don’t care whatever else you do in the Christian life, if you don’t believe in God everything else is a flop and a failure because the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God. And listen, if you displease God, it doesn’t matter who you please, and if you please God, it doesn’t matter who you please. And the way to please God is to believe God, and in order to believe God, you are going to have to understand what we are talking about when we talk about faith.

ILLUS: "I'm sure that the answer is supposed to be Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me."

Well, I'm sure that there are some of you here this morning, and you know all the ri ...

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