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by Brad Whitt

Scripture: Philippians 3:17-21
This content is part of a series.

A Real Look at Your Future (6 of 6)
Series: A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life
Brad Whitt
Philippians 3:17-21

Intro: I want you to take your Bible now this morning, and I want you to go ahead and be finding your place at Philippians, chapter three if you will. Philippians, chapter three, and we are going to be looking at verses seventeen through twenty-one here this morning as we continue in our series of messages that we have entitled, ''A Real Look at Real Love For Real Life.'' And again, what we've been doing here in this series of messages is simply taking a biblical look at some of the areas that matter most in our lives. For example, we've already taken a look at our family and our friends. We've taken a look at our finances and our feelings. Last week we took a real look at our faith, and so this morning, as we come here to the end of this series of messages, I want us to take a real look at our future. And what I want to do here this morning is this. I want to talk to you about ''Living Life In The Future Tense.'' Living life in the future tense. Now, while you are finding your place there...

Here a few years ago, there was a movie that was very popular; as a matter of fact, I believe that they ended up making two sequels of this particular movie. The movie was about a young man and a mad scientist that built a Delorean into a time machine and traveled all over time barely missing personal and general destruction. Can somebody tell me what the name of that movie was? That is right, ''Back to the Future''; now why was that movie so popular? I'll tell you why, because people are fascinated by the future. I mean there is something that is just naturally in man that makes him long for and look for the future while holding onto the past.

Well, Paul wasn't exactly like that. Paul was different. Now, we are here in Philippians, and Philippians has got to be one of my favorite books in all of the Bible. As a matter of fact, when I was the pastor ...

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