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by Will McGee

Scripture: Psalm 42
This content is part of a series.

Dealing with Your Sadness (Depression) (6 of 7)
Series: Emotions and The Psalm
Psalm 42

INTRODUCTION: On our website, we have all our sermons posted online. You can download them. Stream them. Podcast them...

The website that we use to host all that content... Gives me access to where I can see how many people listen to each sermon. I can see all the statistics...

We have a pretty modest amount of podcast listeners... We're not going viral anytime soon...
But whenever I look at those statistics... There is one sermon that stands out... There is one sermon that is far and away our most listened to sermon. Nearly 10x the downloads of all the others. It is simply titled, ''Depression.''

I preached that sermon 18 months ago, and yet it is still one of our top downloads every week.
That tells me... With Hard Data... That many people are hurting. And they are desperate for a word to encourage them in their sorrow.

Today's sermon is on sadness... And how to pray our sadness... How to deal with our sadness... Our depression... Our sorrow.... Our tears. Sadness can take many forms in our lives... We can be sad for small reasons or large reasons... Superficial reasons or very serious reasons. Sadness can be low-grade, melancholy... Or it can become depression...But we all experience sadness.

Illus. Many of you are familiar with the art of Thomas Kinkade. Was called the ''Painter of Light.'' You can find his work in Hallmark Stores... Christian Book Stores. 1/20 American homes have a picture of Kinkade's work. Although he was commercially successful... Art critics never praised his work... But routinely accused him of being kitschy... And low-brow.

His paintings were always of serene, peaceful, small-town environments... Cottages... With lots of light and pastels... They were always happy. Full of light. And what is interesting about Kinkade... Is that he was known for such peaceful paintings... But his life was so far from peaceful...

He ...

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