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THE ''ONE'' THING (4 OF 6)

by Jeff Strite

Scripture: Matthew 18:21-35
This content is part of a series.

The ''One'' Thing (4 of 6)
Series: Strengthening The Fragile Home
Jeff Strite
Matthew 18:21-35

POEM: If you love something, set it free.If it comes back to you, it is yours, If it doesn't, it never was.


But, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff. Eats your food, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you've set it free...
You either married it or gave birth to it.

A family can be a wonderful thing. It can supply you with love and warmth and comfort... and a feeling of contentment and security.
But there are other times when families aren't like that. Times when families are filled with pain, bitterness, and hatred. The Bible has many stories that tell of such conflicts in the home:

- For example, in the book of Genesis we read of Jacob. Jacob cheated his brother Esau out of his inheritance and Esau got so furious about that he threatened to kill Jacob. And he would have too if Jacob decided it was a good time to go visit relatives. Jacob left home and didn't return for 14 years... by which time his mother had died.

- Then there was Jacob's son Joseph. Jacob loved this boy so much that his other 10 sons grew to despise Joseph. And one day, they when they got him alone, they beat the tar out of the boy, threw him in a pit, and then sold him into slavery. As far as they knew or cared he would probably die in chains in a foreign country.

- Then (of course) there's the story of the ''man after God's own heart, King David. David became interested in the wife of one of his best friends, and committed adultery with her. His sinfulness in this sordid affair created all kinds of turmoil inside his family. Turmoil that plagued his family for a really long time.

- In the aftermath of his sins, one of David's daughters (Tamar) was raped by her half-brother. In response, her brother Absalom murdered that half-brother in revenge for his evil act. And that's just a sampling of the stories of troubled famil ...

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