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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Genesis 43:1-14
This content is part of a series.

Excepting the Inevitable (9 of 13)
Series: Integrity of Joseph
Stephen Whitney
Genesis 43:1-14

We like to be in control of our lives and call the shots, but the truth is we are not and have to accept that some things are inevitable: our children grow up and leave home, we cannot make them do what we want them to do.

Chuck Swindoll - ''God gets his way, He always does, but it's a lot more painful when we fight him and resist His leading, based on negative thinking, horizonal perspective and resistance to change.''

CRISIS :1-5 The famine was severe - just as God said it would be (41:31).No food would grow for seven years during the famine.

:3 Judah reminds Jacob of the warning given by the governor. Solemnly - Heb. to exhort, charge or warn. Paraphrase - ''The man was serious when he warned us.''

:5 Judah sincerely believes what the governor had told them so he is not willing to go unless they bring Benjamin with them.

BLAME :6-7 Israel - the name God had given Jacob when he wrestled with the angel of the Lord some 35 years earlier. Genesis 28 He said, ''Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men.''

He blamed his sons for telling the governor the truth that they had another brother. He was only concerned about his own feelings of having to let Benjamin, his youngest and now dearest go.

Swindoll - ''Remember, Jacob's name and nature meant, 'deceiver,' so we're not surprised that the patter emerged yet again. 'Why didn't you just lie? Why did you tell him the truth?' Jacob's response, when cornered was to lie. When his back was against the wall, he was still willing to be deceitful.''
:7 They responded by telling Jacob that the governor questioned them specifically about their family and they told him the truth.How could they had known he would want their younger brother
to return with them as they honestly answered his questions?


Jacob did what we often do ourselv ...

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