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by Bailey Smith

Why Good People Go to Hell
Bailey Smith

A man in one of the churches where I was pastor could not believe in hell. He could believe in heaven; that wasn't hard, but he couldn't believe in its opposite. He was a very intelligent man, a professional man, with a great deal of education.

I remember how he justified the idea that all of the Bible authors mention the word "Hell" or the word "Judgment." I shamefully admit that for the first two years there I could not bring myself to preach about hell. For some reason I had a terrible problem with it until the Lord really did work in my life concerning that particular subject. In some way I could sympathize and identify with this man's feelings.

One time this man's daughter, sixteen years of age, was forced into an undesirable marriage. The husband who was much older, mistreated her brutally. He ran off and left her, and as far as I know, to this day they have never heard from that man. The father came to me in my study and began to cry - not really in sorrow as much as in anger - and he turned red in the face and clinched his fists as he looked at me and said, "Preacher, there's just got to be a hell." He said, "That man, that man has to go to hell. He just has to go to hell." He said an almost paradoxical statement. He said, "If there is a God of Love, there has to be a hell." "Preacher," he said, "there has got to be a hell. If for no other reason than for a place for that guy to go who did all of that stuff to my daughter."

I say to the man we just read about in the newspaper who sexually assaulted this twenty-one year old girl and shot her five times in the head - malicious, unbelievable, horrible, disgraceful, murdering crime against purity and righteousness and against God deserves the worst possible punishment that God knows anything about. That man deserves hell. . . . "Mr. Stalin, some- one asked the communist leader, "how many people did you kill in your lifetime? How many people were you responsi ...

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