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JUST DO IT ( 9 OF 24)

by Jerry Watts

Scripture: James 1:19-21
This content is part of a series.

Just Do It ( 9 of 24)
Series: How To Do Life
Jerry Watts
James 1:19-21

Nike is a mega-sports company which is known for its slogan, ''Just do it.'' From God's word today let's consider this slogan but let's add three words, ''For the Lord.'' We don't ''do'' for our salvation, we do from our salvation. We don't do to 'gain' eternal life; we do to GIVE eternal life. Yet in an honest evaluation we discover that many prefer NOT to do at all or to do for all the wrong reasons. We have been called, commanded, and challenged to live in a way that others can see Christ in us. This is seen in whether we are selfish or selfless, generous or stingy, righteous or evil. Our actions, our activities, and our attitudes convey much more than our words.

An old axiom is this, ''you can do the RIGHT thing in the wrong way or for the wrong reason and still be wrong. However, you can never do the wrong thing an 'a' right way.'' So it is not only 'what' we do but, according to our Lord, it matters 'why' we do it. Each day we are faced with choices where we have to decide these things. Will we conform to the evil deeds which we see? Will we be a part of character assassination? Will we hear words of hurt about others and simply turn our heads as if to say, ''I agree.'' By the way, when we hear derogatory words being spoken and we say nothing, we tacitly agree. (Silence is agreement).

When Christ walked on planet earth, He chose His words carefully so as to teach all of us 'How to do life.' With His words and His life, He confronted evil wherever He discovered it. Even though it wasn't popular, He countered the scribes, Pharisees, and others who presented a skewed view of godliness. His half-brother on earth, James, then picked up the mantle and gave us this very practical book (which bears his name) to help us know ''How to do Life'' and how to do it in a way which please our Heavenly Father. While our study thus far has been helpful, James is about to get personal to the ...

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