Great Church (5 of 6)
Series: Maximum Impact
Steve Jones
Acts 6
Sermon Summary: In order to live lives of maximum impact we need a ''team'' around us with common goals. For Christians, that ''team'' is the church. From Acts 6 we'll see three ways to ''Make the Church Great Again.''
1) Be Pro-Growth.
2) Be Pro-Leadership.
3) Be Pro-God.
INTRO: Bumper video - Tom Brady interview Post AFC championship game between the Jags and Patriots. Tom gives credit to the team (1.21.18).
This much I know, Tom Brady is never going to achieve his goals unless he has a great team around him. In his 2018 post-AFC championship game interview, Brady used the word ''Team'' four times in less than two minutes. Football is a team sport and it takes great teamwork to win. When the Patriots beat the Jacksonville Jaguars last Sunday it wasn't just Brady's win, was it? It was Brady, the receivers, the offensive line, the defense, the coaching staff and the referees (Just kidding no sour grapes here). My point is, many of Brady's individual goals are tied to the team's goals.
As we think about living lives of maximum impact I want to state the obvious. Or at least what I hope is obvious. We have talked about God's expectation that we live lives of maximum impact. We've talked about setting BHAGS = Big Holy Audacious Goals and then taking massive action to accomplish those goals. If you have done that, many of those goals are individual goals. I now mine are. But here's the thing about our goals, if you have set goals the way I have set goals there is no way you can accomplish those goals apart from a great church.
I have goals in the area of my relationship with God. Those goals are impacted by this church because this is the church where I corporately worship God. I have goals in the area of my family but because those family goals have a spiritual dimension I'm going to need a great church to accomplish them. I have financial goals but those financial goals ser ...
Series: Maximum Impact
Steve Jones
Acts 6
Sermon Summary: In order to live lives of maximum impact we need a ''team'' around us with common goals. For Christians, that ''team'' is the church. From Acts 6 we'll see three ways to ''Make the Church Great Again.''
1) Be Pro-Growth.
2) Be Pro-Leadership.
3) Be Pro-God.
INTRO: Bumper video - Tom Brady interview Post AFC championship game between the Jags and Patriots. Tom gives credit to the team (1.21.18).
This much I know, Tom Brady is never going to achieve his goals unless he has a great team around him. In his 2018 post-AFC championship game interview, Brady used the word ''Team'' four times in less than two minutes. Football is a team sport and it takes great teamwork to win. When the Patriots beat the Jacksonville Jaguars last Sunday it wasn't just Brady's win, was it? It was Brady, the receivers, the offensive line, the defense, the coaching staff and the referees (Just kidding no sour grapes here). My point is, many of Brady's individual goals are tied to the team's goals.
As we think about living lives of maximum impact I want to state the obvious. Or at least what I hope is obvious. We have talked about God's expectation that we live lives of maximum impact. We've talked about setting BHAGS = Big Holy Audacious Goals and then taking massive action to accomplish those goals. If you have done that, many of those goals are individual goals. I now mine are. But here's the thing about our goals, if you have set goals the way I have set goals there is no way you can accomplish those goals apart from a great church.
I have goals in the area of my relationship with God. Those goals are impacted by this church because this is the church where I corporately worship God. I have goals in the area of my family but because those family goals have a spiritual dimension I'm going to need a great church to accomplish them. I have financial goals but those financial goals ser ...
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