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by Will McGee

Scripture: 1 Samuel 18:3-4, 1 Samuel 19, 1 Samuel 19:4, 1 Samuel 19:5, 1 Samuel 20:40-42
This content is part of a series.

Friendship (4 of 11)
Series: Search for a King
Will McGee
1 Samuel 18:3-4; 19:3-5; 20:40-42


Friendship. Aristotle believed that one can have anything/ everything, but without a friend, one is lacking.

- He said;

''In poverty and other misfortunes of life, true friends are a sure refuge. They keep the young out of mischief; they comfort and aid the old in their weakness, and they incite those in the prime of life to noble deeds.''

Charles Dickens famously quipped, ''Friendship? Yes, please!''

Our hearts tell us that friendship is good... the great philosophers and storytellers/songwriters know this... But science also backs it up...

Tom Rath (Gallup Organization) - Conducted research on the importance of friendship.
- If your friends eat healthy, you are 5x more likely to develop a healthy diet yourself.
- Which means that if you are my friend... I am a terrible influence.
- Married people say that friendship is 5x more important than sexual intimacy, and nearly secures that a relationship will be sustained for the long run.
- Research says... Don't want a divorce? Be friends.
- Those who say they have no real friends at work have only a 1 in 12 chance of feeling fulfilled and engaged at their job.
- While those who have a ''best friend'' at work are 7x more likely to feel engaged and be successful in their jobs. Leading to better promotion and earning opportunities.

New York... Though 8.5 million people. Many people here are very lonely.
- Olivia Lang wrote a book about New York called The Lonely City, In it, she points out that there is a phenomenon called urban loneliness... That is that the more people in a city, the more you are actually overlooked. You blend in. people don't notice you. As a result, it is difficult to cultivate deep relationships.
- Jim Croce.... One of my favorite songwrites.
- Though all the streets are crowded / There's something strange about it / I lived here a year and never on ...

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