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by Will McGee

Scripture: 2 Kings 6, Daniel 10
This content is part of a series.

The Reality of Spiritual Warfare (1 of 7)
Series: Fight Club
Will McGee
2 Kings 6; Daniel 10


Several years ago, I had the privilege of being invited to a retreat involving 10 or so other young leaders from around the country (mostly young church planters/missionaries under 35). One of our sessions was led by a well-known pastor from Memphis, who was essentially given the floor to talk to us about whatever he wanted. His topic of choice? Spiritual Warfare.

He began to tell us his story. Several years ago, he set out to plant a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural church right in the heart of Memphis, TN: One of the most racially/socio-economically segregated cities in America. He explained that when you set out to do something like that, you set yourself up for some spiritual warfare.

He told us how for the first two years of his ministry in Memphis, he experienced what he suspects were demonic attacks on himself and his family.

His small kids would have night terrors almost every night.

Their car was broken into numerous times.

He said he had never been sick in his entire life, and he all of a sudden was getting sick all the time.

He said he had never struggled with lust/ pornography.... But he began experiencing severely heightened temptations.

His finances took a hit. Unexpected expenses.

He experienced irrational fears. For no reason, spent two years convinced his wife was going to leave him.

When he flew out of Memphis, he experienced a weight come off of him.

Now, you have to understand where I am coming from.

Not only am I a post-enlightenment American. Who is intellectually skeptical of stuff like this.

But, I grew up in a church and in a home that held to Cessationist theology. Which means, all the spooky stuff in Scripture... Holy Spirit gifts like tongues, signs, wonders, miracles, and even wacky spiritual warfare stuff was understood to be something that went on in the days of the ...

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