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by Will McGee

Scripture: Luke 12:22-34
This content is part of a series.

Anxiety (4 of 7)
Series: Fight Club
Will McGee
Luke 12:22-34

Anxiety... Worry...

Those are emotions that most of you know all-too-well...Because New York is a city that breeds anxiety... The speed of the city... Our frantic commutes. Our competitive jobs. High rent prices... If you live in a 4th floor walkup, the thought of just getting into your front door causes you to twitch. If you're single, dating in this city can be unbelievably complicated and stressful. I get anxiety just trying to decide where to order takeout from... Too many options. It seems impossible to live in this city without being anxious.

If I were to guess, every single of one of you has experienced anxiety on at least some level.

For some of you, you've experienced MILD anxiety... Worrying about what to wear on a date... Where to eat for dinner. (very mild, but anxiety nonetheless).

Illus. Parks and Rec - Leslie Knope getting ready for a date. (Louis CK)... Talking to Ann.

''What if I talk about Darfur too much? Not enough?''

''What if my sleeve catches on fire and spreads rapidly?''

''What if instead of eating Tic-Tacs I take a bunch of Ambien and have to keep punching my leg to keep it from going asleep?''

Some of you have been there...

Others of you.... Your anxiety has moved from minor... And you've had MEDIUM levels of anxiety... That actually cause physical sickness...

A project at work that is really important but you feel unqualified or unprepared, understaffed.

You get sick... You lose sleep. Thinking about it.

Maybe you have anxiety about what school your kid will go to in the fall.

Maybe... you are in a new dating relationship... You're not sure how the other person feels... You become physically nauseous because you are convinced that they are breaking up with you.

You misinterpret a text message... (What does Home-Alone-face-cat emoji mean?). Or they start texting a reply... Then stop (I saw the bubble. I know you got it! ...

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