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by Will McGee

Scripture: John 9:1-11
This content is part of a series.

Sin and Sins (5 of 7)
Series: Fight Club
Will McGee
John 9:1-11


We are in a teaching series called, ''Fight Club.'' It is a study on spiritual warfare.

The things in our lives that plague us, hinder us, and keep us from experiencing God and pursuing Him to the fullest.

Spiritual warfare is a large category... We've included things like temptation, deception, accusation, depression, anxiety, fear, and worry.

Any type of battle that we fight that is not merely of flesh and blood.

Wrapped up in the idea of the spiritual warfare is the reality of suffering.

The truth is that if we live long enough, all of us will suffer deeply. We will.

One of the hardest things for many people to understand is... Why does suffering happen?

Is God good? Then, why do I suffer?

And it isn't hard to find people trying to answer this question in extremely unhelpful ways.

Many people use suffering as a way to justify their atheism or agnosticism.

But I've also heard Christians make strange claims that suffering is always a result of our own lack of faith... or our own sin.

While that is true at times... It is irresponsible to say that there must be some cause and effect relation to one's suffering.

When it comes to spiritual warfare... I've mentioned that I believe that we have a real enemy that wants to derail us from the purposes of God in our life.

When you go through seasons of suffering... The enemy will try to plant lies in your heart about your suffering that will push you away from God. And his grace.

He will either whisper in your ear... ''Life is hard.... Where is your God?''

Or he will make you look inward at yourself and think.... ''You did something to deserve this. You are beyond God's reach of grace.

In both cases, he is causing you to believe lies about God.

Jon Tyson (Pastor in midtown) - ''Life is too hard for bad theology.''

John 9 - Story of Jesus healing a man born blind.

Once agai ...

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