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by Will McGee

Scripture: Mark 5:1-13
This content is part of a series.

The Victory in Spiritual Warfare (+ QandA) (6 of 7)
Series: No Other Gospel- Galatians
Will McGee
Mark 5:1-13

Our plan was to finish this study on spiritual warfare two weeks ago... But we keep extending it, because new questions keep arising.

We are going to finish up next week.

This week, I want to help us understand how evil is defeated. How we experience victory in the midst of spiritual warfare.

Then next week... I want to talk about Spiritual warfare in the church. How we fight for unity as the body of Christ when certain things threaten to hinder us from our mission.

But before we jump into today's sermon... I want to answer some questions that many of you have asked regarding this topic that didn't necessarily fit into the talks.

Here is the plan for this morning:

Rapid Fire QandA

Mini-Sermon on where our Victory comes from when we face Spiritual Warfare.

Rapid Fire QandA

Q#1 | How do I know the difference between accusation from the devil, or conviction of the holy spirit?

Here is what I mean... When you sin/ fall short. Do something in disobedience to God.

Accusation.. The enemy will often use these moments to accuse of being a failure, a loser. He will make you question if God can ever love someone like you.

Conviction - When you sin/fall short... The HS causes you to grieve over what you've done. So that you can repent and receive forgiveness and move on.

Holy Spirit - He will show you your sin, and then point you to Christ. He wants you to hate your sin, and love your Savior. To show you that you are already an accepted child of God, and motivate you to live like it.

The Enemy - He will show you your sin, and then point you to yourself. He doesn't want you to hate your sin, he wants you to hate yourself.

Conviction leads you to repentance and holiness (and toward Christ). Accusation leads you to self-loathing and feelings of worthlessness (away from Christ).

Q#2 | Can a Christian ...

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