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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Psalm 19:7-9
This content is part of a series.

About the Bible (1 of 6)
Series: This We Believe
Bob Ingle
Psalm 19:7-9

Open your Bible to Psalm 19. Green Bay Packer, Hall of Fame football coach Vince Lombardi started the first practice of every new season the same way. He would gather his team around him, hold up an oblong pigskin, and say, ''Gentlemen, this is a football.'' Then he would proceed to go over some of the basic rules and skills of the game that no doubt all those professional football players had learned when they first began playing the game. Coach Lombardi knew that the key to winning was not learning a bunch of trick plays, but consistently executing the fundamentals of the game with excellence.

Today, spiritually speaking, I want to play that coaching role for us. I want to raise this leather-bound book up and say, ''Christians, this is a Bible. This is God's Word. This is where it all begins. This is how God primarily speaks to His children today.''

In this book, you see the heart of God, know the character of God, and understand the will of God. This is how He convicts you of sin, leads you to salvation, comforts you in sorry, disciples you in the faith, inspirations for the daily fight, prepares you for your death, and ready's you for eternity.

All of that, and more, is wrapped up in these 66 books bound into one book we call the Bible.

One of the most exciting things every person needs to know is that God is not silent. He has spoken, and He continues to speak. That's the central topic of Psalm 19. In verses 1-6, David reveals that God has spoken generally through His creation.

V1-3: ''The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.'' Like the Apostle Paul in Romans 1, David says if a person wants to see God and know there is a God, he doesn't have to look very far. All he has to do is look up. The word ...

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