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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Romans 1:16
This content is part of a series.

About the Gospel (3 of 6)
Series: This We Believe
Bob Ingle
Romans 1:16

Take your Bible and turn to Romans 1. I love the story about the two older gentlemen sitting on a bench outside of a senior citizen home. As they sat there, an elderly woman streaked right by them with nothing on but a smile. One guy said, ''Did you see what that woman was wearing?'' The other guy said, ''No, but whatever it was it sure needed ironing!''

Well, we're in a series of sermons called 'This We Believe'. We're trying to iron out in our minds some of our core biblical beliefs that maybe have a few wrinkles. There are certain doctrines and fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith that are imperative we have a strong grasp of.

Truth that is not straight in your mind will never be clear off your tongue. Right?

We will never be able to convincingly defend a truth if we don't confidently understand it.

There are too many folks who are what I call 'Christopher Columbus Christians'. You know what that is? Probably not. When Christopher Columbus started out...

He didn't know where he was going.

When he got there, he didn't know where he was.

When he got back, he did not know where he had been.

Yes, we have a national holiday to celebrate his confusion. There are way too many believers who are like that when it comes to understanding the Bible and the Christian faith. They're all twisted up and turned around. They just aren't all the sure of how to navigate efficiently and effectively through what they believe and why they believe it. I'm hopeful this series will help all of us with that.

Two weeks ago, we looked at what we believe about the Bible. Last week, we studied what we believe about the Trinity. Today, we're going to clarify what we believe about the Gospel.

My prayer isn't that you walk out of here better able to regurgitate the facts of the Gospel. My prayer is that your heart is once again impacted by the truth and the power of the Gos ...

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