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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Romans 6:1-4
This content is part of a series.

About Baptism (5 of 6)
Series: This We Believe
Bob Ingle
Romans 6:1-4

Please open your bibles to Romans 6. We're in a series called 'This We Believe' and we're going back over some of the core doctrines and fundamentals of our faith that every Christian needs to know and be able to explain to others. We've been saying that whatever is not straight in your mind won't be clear off your tongue. We're trying to get it straight so we can make it clear.

Today we're talking about 'What We Believe About Baptism'. Even though baptism is a blatantly obvious teaching in Scripture, it's still one of the most confused and controversial subjects in the Christian church as a whole. Part of the confusion I think is that we live in a world full of baptized non-Christians, and then the church is full of non-baptized Christians, like some of you. Tons of people who don't give Jesus a second thought have been baptized, and then others who say they love Jesus and are dedicated to Jesus haven't been baptized. That hasn't gone unnoticed, and I think that confuses folks.

Because of that many don't see baptism to be all that important. I mean, if the non-dedicated are baptized and the dedicated aren't baptized then baptism couldn't be a big of a deal, right? Well, did you know the bible mentions baptism 74 times? Would God really waste that much space in sacred Scripture on a topic that isn't relevant or important? Of course not.

Consider this for a moment: Jesus had an earthly ministry that lasted about 3 ½ years. Do you know how He began His ministry? Before He performed any miracles, before He preached any messages, or called any disciples, you know what He did? He was baptized. When Jesus was 30, He walked 60 miles from Nazareth to Galilee to be baptized by John the Baptist. Baptism was so important to Jesus He walked 60 miles to commence His ministry with it.

Do you know the last thing Jesus talked about in His earthly ministry with the disciples? He said, ''Go an ...

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