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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Psalm 32:8-9
This content is part of a series.

About God's Will (6 of 6)
Series: This We Believe
Bob Ingle
Psalm 32:8-9

(Hold up Magic 8 Ball toy) Ever see one of these Magic 8 Balls you see in toy stores and novelty shops? Did you have one of these as kids? I was raised in a pretty strict pastor's home, and these were absolutely forbidden in our house. My dad told us only godless heathens had these. Let me see again who had one of these! Just kidding.

Even though I never had one personally, all the deacon's kids had one, of course, so I had plenty of access. We would sit around and ask the Magic 8 Ball very important questions like:

Will we win our basketball game tonight?

Does the girl in my math class have a crush on me?

Will I become the next member of Menudo? Critical questions for a middle schooler.

Wouldn't it be awesome if we had something like this issued to us when we became followers of Jesus to be able to discern God's Will for our lives with clarity and expediency? We could call it something cool like 'God's Will Globe'. So, when you have questions about what God want you to do, all you would have to do is get out your trusty 'God's Will Globe', shake it up, and ask away.

'God, Tommy is cute, rich, and oh, so dreamy! Should I marry him?' (Definitely not- Ok, best 2 out of 3)

'God, should we pack up our stuff and move to another state for that new job offer?' (Go For It)

'God, you've given us 3 boys, should we keep trying for that girl we've always wanted?' (Are you crazy?)

Wouldn't this be super handy? Of course, you weren't issued a 'God's Will Globe' at your conversion, so how are we to determine God's will? What is the right process to making the important decisions in life? Some people have said, ''I don't think it's really possible to know God's will for certain. You just do the best you can with what you've got, and that's all God expects from you.''

That may sound logical and reasonable, but it's not biblical.

Eph. 5:17: ''Therefore, do not be ...

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