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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Genesis 2
This content is part of a series.

Healthy Identity (1 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bon Ingle
Genesis 2

Open your bibles to Genesis 2. While on Sabbatical I read about a man from northern Germany named Manfred Sedlazek who, with his wife, built a home. Unfortunately, it was a busy, winding road, and they had a severe problem. Cars kept plowing into their house. It didn't just happen once, or twice, or five times, or eight times. It happened 10 times, and on the 10th time it was a semi. This is what it might have looked like. (PIC) After I read that I thought, 'Why don't they move? Why don't they do something different?'' Well, we have a lot of families like that in America don't we? They keep getting hit, wrecked, and torn to pieces, and the thought is, 'Why don't we do something different? Isn't there a better way?' Of course, there is.

We're calling this series 'First Aid for the Family', but you may be sitting there saying, ''Pastor Bob, we need far more than first aid. Our family is like the picture of that house...a mess. We don't need just Band-Aids, and gauze, and a little ointment to heal up our situation. Bob we need surgery!'' I totally get that. But 'Major Surgery for the Family' just didn't have a ring to it. You know? But the Good News this morning is that no matter what your need is, whether it's some minor first aid or some radical surgery, God knows exactly what you need, and is ready to provide it if you will listen to His Word and be diligent to obey it. The idea of this series is not trying to make us perfect, but to get us healthy. No one ever has a perfect family/marriage, but I do think we can have a healthy family if we are willing to do it God's way.

The bible very clearly says, in Psalm 127:1 says, ''Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.'' That's pretty clear isn't it? If we trying to do marriage, parenting, or family our own way, in our own wisdom, no matter how hard you work, it will always fall apart. God is the architect ...

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