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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Ephesians 5:25-33
This content is part of a series.

Healthy Husbands (2 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
Ephesians 5:25-33

Open your bibles to Ephesians 5. Let me ask you this, if you were lied to every day from the time you were born till today, how would you respond to the truth? Let's say you grew up in Alabama during the mid-1800's and your parents had slaves. It was an accepted part of your culture to regard black people as inferior. Everyone you knew and loved felt that way. Do you think you would you have embraced the lie or risen above it?

If you had grown up in Germany in the 1930's and it was drilled into you every day in school that the Aryan race was superior, Jews were a threat, and Adolph Hitler was the Savior of the German people, would you have been able to detect that lie or would you have bought into it, hook, line, and sinker?

Of course, all of us would like to think that we would see through falsehood and stand for what is right. But when a lie is frequently repeated and is almost unanimously accepted, you probably would believe it to be true.

The Bible plainly predicts that in the last days Satan will deceive people with his cleverly packaged lies. The Living Bible paraphrases 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12: ''He (Satan) will completely fool those who are on their way to hell because they have said no to the Truth; they have refused to believe it and love it and let it save them, so God will allow them to believe lies with all their hearts, and all of them will be justly judged for believing falsehood, refusing the Truth, and enjoying their sins.''

If you're paying attention to the world around you, it's easy to see a number of lies that are becoming increasingly popular in our culture.

- We're told God is impersonal and it's impossible for anyone to know His will.

- We're told all religions are equally valid and Jesus is just one of many roads to heaven.

- We're told that since we're all just accidents of evolution we have the right to take a life at ...

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