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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Ephesians 5:22-24
This content is part of a series.

Healthy Wives (3 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
Ephesians 5:22-24

Open your bibles to Eph. 5. Today, we're going to talk about the 'S' word. I remember when I was a kid running into the house tattling on my brother. ''Mom, Dad, David said the 's' word. David said the 's' word.'' Well, I can assure, the 's' word were going to talk about today is NOT the 's' word my brother uttered that day. But unfortunately, they're often put in the same Christian cussing category today aren't they? Ladies, just go to work tomorrow or speak to a friend, and when they ask what the sermon was on, ''Say, Wives submitting to their husbands.'' (Hand over mouth...No way! He didn't say that? Are you serious? Are you ok?)

Listen to me very carefully ladies...Submission should not be a dirty word for you. And submission should not be a negative concept to you. Never! Matter of fact, it should be just the opposite. Why? Because it comes from the heart of your Creator who made you, knows you, loves you, died for you, saved you, forgave you, and promises to one day come for you. Now, do you really think that your Heavenly Father would do all of that for you, would then give you a command to obey in the most important relationship on earth that was anything less that what's best for you? Of course not. He's too good for that, and you're too precious for that. So, if there is something in you that get's all sour, upset, and angry when you hear the word 'submit' it's probably because you don't understand it. It's not clear to you. So what we need is CLARITY. Right ladies? AMEN!!

Let's start with this important, fundamental truth: Men and Women are EQUAL before God in EVERY WAY. Equal in importance, equal in standing, equal in significance, equal in privilege, equal in worth, equal in eternal inheritance. But listen, equal doesn't mean identical. Men and women are not identical; they are not the same. Men and women, husbands and wives, have been given different ro ...

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