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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Hebrews 13:4
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Healthy Sexuality (5 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
Hebrews 13:4

Turn to Hebrews 13. Today we're talking about what it looks like through a biblical lens to be a sexually healthy person. The truth is we're all sexual beings. It's been that way from the moment you were born. The very first thing that was probably uttered about you was your sex. 'It's a boy! Or it's a girl!' From that moment, to some degree, you've operated within your sex as a sexual person. Here's the crazy can be a person who is unhealthy sexually and have never had sex. You can be 85 and widowed for 15 years and be an unhealthy sexually. Because our sexuality isn't just about our external experience. True sexual health deals with the mind, heart, soul, and body. They all work together. That's why it's so challenging.

As I prepared this message this week, I was reminded once again just how difficult a talk like this is. Not because of the subject. I don't mind talking about sex. I don't think we should be ashamed to celebrate what God was not ashamed to create. Amen? Some people think God is anti-sex. Not true. God is so pro-sex that He invented it. You've heard me say before that Eve didn't pull Adam behind a bush and say, ''Did you see how this works?'' No, they were actually commanded by God to be intimate with one another. ''Be fruitful and multiply. And that's an order!'' I love that command. It's great.

What makes this difficult is not the subject, but the audience. You make this difficult. And what I mean by that is there's so much diversity. We have young teenagers and we have very elderly adults. We have naïve virgins and we have the deeply promiscuous. Some of you who believe what God says in this book about sex and want to learn more. Others of you couldn't care less, and think God should mind His own business. There are some in this room who have been sexually abused, and I just want to hug you and make it all better. Many of you are married ...

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