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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
This content is part of a series.

Healthy Singleness (6 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
1 Corinthians 7:25-40

Turn to 1 Cor. 7. 'Healthy Singleness'. Some people might say the only way to be a healthy single is to get married. Its like singleness is the disease and marriage is the cure. Because of that mindset, many of our single people feel the pressure to get married as soon as possible. We tend to act as if getting married should be the number one goal of every non-married person. Take for example the typical American female.

- By the time she is a toddler she's been down the aisle a time or two as a flower girl. Then after the wedding, well-meaning relatives come up, grab her cheeks and say, ''Honey, you will make a beautiful bride one day.''

- Of course, she grew up playing with Barbie and Ken dolls that had their adorable little wedding clothes on.

- And she memorized all the Disney movies and books with the handsome prince rescuing and marrying the beautiful young maiden and they ride off in the sunset living happily ever after.

- In college, she probably had a friend bolt into dorm rooms with her left hand extended showing the beautiful engagement ring and all the other girls thought to themselves, 'when's it going to be my turn'?

- Then that young woman stands in line at the grocery store at all the wedding and bridal magazines staring at her. And it's almost like those magazines mock her by singing, ''What's wrong with you, what's wrong with you; your life has no meaning, until you say 'I do'.'' ('Here Comes the Bride' tune.)

- Then she finds herself at wedding receptions jockeying for position like Lebron James in the lane trying to catch that elusive bouquet.

- And maybe worst of all, she has to put up with the dozens of terrible, rude comments from relatives and friends. ''Oh honey you are such a neat person, I can't understand why you're not married yet.'' ''You know sweetie, you might want to be careful with the sweets, guys like th ...

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