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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Matthew 19:1-9
This content is part of a series.

Divorce and Healthy Remarriage (7 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
Matthew 19:1-9

Turn to Matthew 19. Chuck Swindoll said that there are two processes that should never be entered into prematurely: embalming and divorce. In a way, those two things are similar. They both include the death of something important. I'm confident that most of us know how God feels about divorce. In Malachi 2:16, God tells us plainly. He says, ''For I hate divorce, says the Lord, the God of Israel.'' The word for 'hate' here is a very strong word that means 'to become an enemy of', or 'to be opposed to'. God says, ''I'm an enemy of divorce. I'm opposed to divorce. I hate divorce.'' Notice God doesn't say He hates divorced people. He's not the enemy of or opposed to divorced people. No. It's just the opposite. God hates divorce because of the damage it does to the people He loves. God loves people, therefore He hates that which breaks and injures them.

So we know how God feels about divorce, what did Jesus, the Son of God, have to say about divorce while walking on the earth in the flesh? We have that right here in Matthew 19:1-3 (READ).

The key word there is 'testing'. They weren't sincerely interested in wanting to know what Scripture said or what He believed. They were testing Him. This wasn't a random question, but a calculated question. They wanted to trick Him in order to trap Him and condemn Him. You might ask, ''Why a question about divorce?'' Well, in that day (just like ours) divorce was a hot topic. And there were two main camps of thought.

The majority camp was led by rabbi Hillel taught that divorce was ok for any reason. If someone saw her ankles, or insulting his parents, or gained too much weight. His words: 'For any reason, unload the woman.'

The other school of thought was from a conservative rabbi named Shammai. This was the minority camp. He taught that you could not divorce for any reason. So the Pharisee's come to Jesus and say, ...

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