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by Bob Ingle

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Healthy Church Family (10 of 10)
Series: First Aid for the Family
Bob Ingle
Acts 2:36-47

Open your bibles to Acts 2. Today we're going to talk about what a healthy church looks like, and what goes on in a healthy church. Let me ask you a rhetorical question: Why are you here? Maybe a more specific question would be this: If you are a part of our church family here, why are you a member?

Do you know the number one reason people choose a church? Personal comfort. They are comfortable with the surroundings, services, programs, the music, the preaching, etc. People generally choose to worship where they are comfortable. Nothing wrong with that. You should have some level of comfort with your church.

But personal comfort ought not be the main reason you choose a church. The top reason for choosing a church, and loving your church, and serving with your life in the church ought not be personal comfort, but rather biblical conviction. In other words, there are certain things that must be done in the church you're a part of because you know the bible says those things must be done. So these biblical convictions ought to be held on to more dearly than you personal comforts. Because the truth is, you can be comfortable in the wrong church! Amen? You can get comfortable in a dying church, or a disobedient, or a defiant church. It might be close to home, or full of family, or just you've just always been there. But comfortable Christians rarely make a difference. No, it's those who have been convicted by God's Spirit, challenged by God's Word, changed by God's Son, and charged up by God's mission in the world. Churches full of those people are what God uses.

When God put together the very first church, He showed us what ought to be going on in a healthy church. Not a perfect church. Never a perfect church because you'll ruin it with your imperfection. But imperfect people, by God's grace and with God's help, can have a healthy church. But if a church wants ...

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