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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Matthew 16:13-18, Matthew 16

Doing Church God's Way
Jim Perdue
Matthew 16:13-18


Imagine you're going to begin a construction project; you're building a new home. And you have many people working on this project, different tasks assigned to different groups, different people working on different parts of the home. What if you were building that home without a blueprint or with an incomplete plan? Well, what would happen is that many people would be building what they think would be best and doing the best job they could, but there wouldn't be much progress because they would be building their own thing. There would be activity, but not much progress.*

With that in mind, open to Matthew 16:13-18; and we'll think today on this subject, Doing Church God's Way. READ TEXT The question we need to ask is, how do we build our church to be church they way God intended? Here in this passage we several steps to doing church God's way.

1. Recognize the foundation: ''upon this rock...''


Jesus begins this discourse by asking His disciples, ''Who do people say that the Son of Man is?'' There were all sorts of opinions concerning who Jesus was...just like today! You must settle this in your life. Who is Jesus?

Then, He moves from the generic question, asking about people, to the more specific question, ''Who do you say that I am?'' This is personal and it's one of the most important questions you will ever encounter in this life. You must deal with this question; who is Jesus? Explain

Peter responds and says, ''You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.'' When I read this I think, good for Peter! This is the guy who is always sticking his foot in his mouth and he got it right this time. How did he know who Jesus was? He spent time with Jesus, he heard Him preach, he watched him heal, and he had been changed by the power of God. Jesus responds and says, ''Blessed are you.'' In other words, you are right and God revealed this answer to you. And ''yo ...

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