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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Romans 6:1-5

Believer's Baptism
Jim Perdue
Romans 6:1-5


This November it will be ten years since Stephanie and I stood before many of you in the old red-carpeted Worship Center and said our vows. It's hard to believe it's been almost ten years! I'm sure many of you have incredible memories from your wedding ceremonies. Let me ask you a question. Would you think it odd if I never wanted to go out in public with my wife? What if I said, ''I'll eat dinner with you as along as it's at home,'' or ''I'll watch a movie with you as long as it's at home,'' or ''I'll talk to you as long as it's at home.'' That kind of behavior would be insulting to my wife and to our relationship. And I can guarantee you, it wouldn't fly in my house! And let me give you some marital advice - don't do that...ever!*

But did you know that Jesus Christ is insulted regularly by His children because in private they will identify with Him, but in public they don't want people to know that they're associated with him. The idea of a baptized believer is that have gone public in declaring they are wedded to another - Jesus Christ.

Sadly, many people are confused about baptism. Because there are so many different ideas about what baptism is, what it means, how it should be done, and what it accomplishes, many people are very confused.

Today, I want to try to clear up some confusion and hopefully help you see the truth. So, where do we go when we want to get an authoritative decision on something? That's right, we go to the Word of God.

There is not just one text in the Bible to turn to that answers all of our questions about baptism. But there are many passages that you can study to put the pieces together. If I had to summarize the Bible's teaching in one simple phrase it would be this: believers should obey the command of Christ to be baptized by immersion, after salvation.

Today, I want to focus on Romans 6:1-5. READ TEXT Here in this text, we learn several truths ab ...

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