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by Bob Ingle

Scripture: Galatians 5:13-15
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What To Do With All Your Freedom (13 of 15)
Series: No Other Gospel
Bob Ingle
Galatians 5:13-15

Take your bible and turn to Galatians 5:13-15. Today we're going to see what God says that we as Christians are to do with all our freedom. Now, a lot of folks think that Christian freedom is an oxymoron. The vast majority of the world thinks Christianity is more about restriction than freedom right? I mean, if you went to most of the people in your life and said, ''I just can't believe all the freedom I have as a believer in Jesus. I can't believe all the freedom I have being a part of the church of Jesus Christ.'' People would look at you like you lost your mind. Why? Because they think freedom in the church is about as rare as honesty in Vegas, or ethics in D.C., or winning baseball in Chicago. Most people think that being a Christian is far more about what you can't do than what you are free to do.

Years ago, I was sharing the Gospel with one of my buddies, and he said, ''Man that all sounds great, and I really do want to know God and go to heaven, but I don't want to miss out on all the fun of life either. So you know what I'll do Bob? I'm going wait till right before I die, then I'll believe the Gospel and pray that God will save me. I'll live it up and do all the things I want to do in life, I'll enjoy my life, and then right before I die I'll ask God to forgive me and become a Christian, and go to heaven.''

Of course, there are all kinds of wrong in that thinking isn't there? For one, he was presuming he would know right before he was going to die. Most don't have that option. He was also presuming that he could reject God his whole life, but right before he died that he would be ready to repent. Not so. But here's another thing he didn't know about...he didn't realize that real freedom isn't about doing anything you want anytime you want with anyone you want. That's not freedom...that's actually slavery. You might say, ''How is that slavery. Isn't ...

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